Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile (India)

The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile is the highest legislative body of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). It is one of the three pillars of Tibetan democratic governance – the Judiciary, Legislature and the Kashag (Executive).


The democratization of the Tibetan polity has long been an aspiration of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. He had, in fact, initiated the reforms in Tibet itself but this was interrupted due to China’s invasion in 1949/50. Prior to the Chinese invasion, Tibetans experienced little or no democratic governance since important decisions were taken by the Tsogdu (National Assembly), a composition of Kalons (Cabinet members), abbots of the three great monasteries and societal representatives. No direct elections were held. Following His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s escape into India in 1959, he formally outlined an introduction of democratic polity in Bodhgaya, India in February 1960. He advised the exile Tibetans to set up an elected body comprising three exile representatives from the three traditional Tibetan provinces and one each from the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Elections were duly held and 13 representatives termed ‘Deputies’ were elected and designated as the ‘Commission of Tibetan People’s Deputies’ (CTPD). They took their oath on 2 September 1960. This historic date was later celebrated as ‘Tibetan Democracy Day’. 

Parliamentary Session

Sessions of the Parliament are held twice a year with an interval of six months.

– Budget Session: March

– General Session: September 


The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile is unicameral and headed by a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker. The creation of this democratically elected body has been one of the major changes that His Holiness the Dalai Lama has brought about in his continuous effort to introduce a democratic system based on a unique blend of traditional values and modern norms.

For More Details Visit Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile Official Website

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