Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Tibet : China's Brutality in Tibet Exposed !

Are you interested to know more detail about the true situation in Tibet? Please watch this video!

This is one of the rare footages of Chinese police beating Tibetans who participated in the massive and widespread protests that erupted throughout Tibet since 10 March 2008. We are told that these beating of protestors took place in or near Lhasa after 14 March 2008. The footage clearly shows the beating of Tibetan captives even after they are handcuffed and tied, a violation of international norms regarding treatment of captives.

Since March 2008 - Over 220 Tibetans Killed - Over 5,600 were Arrested - 290 Sentenced - Over 1,294 injured - More than 1,000 Missing.

Click here for more Tibet videos:

Facts about Tibet 

1 comment:

  1. I’m sorry what is happening with your community and family. Probably is very hard for you to see all this .


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