In the last 60 years only sporadically news from uprisings in Tibet reach the international media. Especially in the beginning the only imagery the West encountered from Tibet was carefully selected Chinese propaganda.
The international community has never condemned the Chinese actions in Tibet openly, partly because of clever tactics used by the Chinese denying the fact that Tibet ever was a sovereign nation. For example: They even forced (read blackmailed) the Dalai Lama to officially deny Tibets claims of sovereignty. Nowadays Tibet is more easily accessible because of the Qingzang-Lhasa railway, the highest in the world. And even though more impartial journalism about Tibet is reaching the West the international community remains silent still. The current lack of international attention for the Tibet issue may be explained by the position of China on the Global Financial Market. Criticism on the Chinese annexation of Tibet may well result in economic sanctions or losses for nations that oppose the Imperialist ambitions of China.
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